To be able to care for adults at risk, keeping them safe from abuse
Learning Outcomes- Understand which adults need support and protection
- Know who an adult at risk is
- Know whose responsibility it is to support and protect vulnerable adults
- Understand risk factors for abuse
- Know the relevant legislation
- Be aware of all the different types of abuse
- Recognise signs of abuse
- Recognise a potential abuser
- Understand disclosure and whistleblowing procedure
Adult Support and Protection
To apply the Adults with Incapacity Act Principles into the care you provide to those with a mental health condition or living with dementia
Learning Outcomes- Be aware of the key facts and statistics surrounding mental capacity
- Know what the AWI is, why it’s important and who it affects
- Know how to identify someone with a lack of capacity
- Be aware of the key legislations surrounding mental capacity
- Know the boundaries involved when caring for someone with a lack of capacity
- Recognise how to help individuals make informed choices
- How to risk assess a person’s choices
- Know the 5 Key Principles of AWI Act
- Know how and when to assess capacity
- Recognise your responsibility when caring for those lacking capacity
Adults with Incapacity
To be able to recognise and treat anaphylaxis
Learning Outcomes- Know what anaphylaxis is
- Understand who can be at risk
- Be aware of the legislation relating to allergies and anaphylaxis
- Know of the common allergens that can trigger reactions
- Recognise the symptoms of anaphylaxis
- Know how to administer first aid to someone with anaphylaxis
- Understand how adrenaline injectors work
- Know how to use the most commonly used adrenaline injectors
- Be aware of the roles and responsibilities surrounding anaphylaxis

To be able to recognise autistic traits in a person, meet their communication needs and understand when and how to implement adjustments in a Person-Centred way.
Learning Outcomes- Recognise that Autism is a type of neurodiversity
- Know that Autism is a spectrum disorder
- Understand that some autistic people will also be diagnosed with other neurodivergent disorders
- Be aware of the history of Autism
- Recognise that autistic people have strengths and abilities
- Know that some people have misconceptions relating to Autism
- Understand that every autistic person's spectrum is unique
- Know the three areas of difference
- Understand that autistic people face challenges with social communication, interaction and imagination
- Know that autistic people will have repetitive, restrictive and self-regulating behaviours
- Recognise that autistic people will have differences in sensory processing
- Understand that an autistic person's senses may get overloaded
- Know that alternative methods of communication may be necessary to meet an autistic person's needs
- Be aware of signs that may indicate that a child is autistic
- Recognise the importance of an adult getting an autism diagnosis
- Know ways to support an autistic person and their family
Autism Awareness
To give an understanding of Basic Life Support to allow a person to act to save a life
Learning Outcomes- Understand what is meant by Basic Life Support
- Know the theory supporting how to perform CPR on adults, children and infants
- Understand the importance of rescue breaths
- Know how to conduct a Primary Survey
- Recognise ways to deal with breathing casualties
- Know how to put a casualty into the Recovery Position
- Be able to identify ways to deal with a choking casualty
- Be aware of how to perform back blows and chest thrusts on adults, children and infants
Basic Life Support

To be able to recognise and deal with a bed bug infestation which includes ensuring that the relevant controlled measures are in place.
Learning Outcomes- Know what a bed bug is a what they look like
- Be aware of the signs that bed bugs are present
- Know who to contact if there is a bed bug infestation
- Understand the controlled measures that need to be in place if there is an infestation
Bed Bug Awareness

To be able to manage a Person's Bed Falls Management needs
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Bed Falls Management is
- Recognise pressure from Families to use Bed Rails
- Know what the Bed Falls Management Options are
- Recognise the specific considerations for each Person
- Understand that the use of Bed Rails is a last resort
- Recognise the types of incidents associated with Bed Rails
- Understand the steps included in risk assessments
- Know the different types of paperwork used when managing Bed Falls Management
Bed Falls Management (Inc. Bed Rails)
To be able to work with children and young people and recognise the signs that they may be a victim of Grooming or Child Sexual Exploitation
Learning Outcomes- Know what Child Sexual Exploitation, Grooming and Trafficking are
- Be aware of legislation surrounding Child Sexual Exploitation
- Be aware of how grooming works
- Understand how children may be sexually exploited
- Be able to state the effects of Child Sexual Exploitation
- Understand what safeguarding is
- Understanding what to do in the event of disclosure
- Know some suitable organisation that can offer support
Child Sexual Exploitation
To gain an understanding of good communication techniques and ways to protect information
Learning Outcomes- Know why good communication is important
- Be aware of some barriers to communication
- Know different methods of communication
- Understand Active Listening
- Recognise different types of communication
- Understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality
- Be aware of information sharing rules
- Recognise the importance of the protection of information
- Know some documents that contain confidential information
To provide awareness of coronavirus, its symptoms and provide guidance on minimising its spread
Learning Outcomes- Be aware of some background information regarding coronaviruses
- Know how COVID-19 is different to flu
- Be aware of how the infection is spread
- Recognise some symptoms of COVID-19 infection
- Identify ways to minimise the spread of infection
- Understand some precautions that can be taken to prevent its spread
- Be able to demonstrate good hand washing technique
- Recognise the importance of using correct PPE
- Be aware of good Nutrition and Hydration
- Understand your responsibilities
Coronavirus for Health Care Workers

To understand responsibilities and protocol regarding COSHH.
Learning Outcomes- Recognise the danger symbols
- Be aware of Material Safety Data Sheets
- Know employer responsibilities
- Know employee responsibilities
To be able to provide further effective care to those with Diabetes.
Learning Outcomes- Be aware of the different forms of insulin, and their effects
- Understand how to monitor blood glucose levels
- Be aware the different types of Diabetes testing methods
Diabetes Advanced Care
To be able to provide effective care for those with diabetes
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Diabetes is
- Know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2
- Be aware of other Types of Diabetes
- Recognise the Symptoms
- Know the importance for good foot care for anyone with diabetes
- Be aware of the health care checks available to those with diabetes
- Know what Hypoglycaemia is
- Know the best diet for someone managing diabetes
Diabetes Awareness

To be able to recognise the need to be honest and apologise when working within care
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Duty of Candour means
- Recognise when Duty of Candour needs to be used
- Be aware of what legislation is associated with Duty of Candour
- Know how to implement Duty of Candour within a care environment
Duty of Candour
To understand your obligations to Duty of Care
Learning Outcomes- Know what your duty of care is and with who
- Understand the definitions used in Duty of Care
- Know which legislations relate to Duty of Care and why
- Be aware of your responsibilities and your employers
- Understand the importance of an individual’s right to live independently whist keeping them safe from harm
- Know how to deal with comments and complaints
- Understand that mistakes happen and follow procedure to prevent further mistakes
- Recognise why conflict happens and how to deal with the individual and situation
Duty of Care
To understand the role of the IDDSI framework and implement it in caring for those in need
Learning Outcomes- Know what dysphagia is, its causes, and its symptoms.
- Be aware of the origins and use of the IDDSI Framework
- Recognise the different levels of the IDDSI Framework, and their identifying characteristics
- Understand how oral medication can affect IDDSI levels
- Know how to use thickening agents to alter the consistency of food and drink
- Understand how to undertake the Drinks Flow Test
- Know how to undertake the food tests for IDDSI
- Know the first aid steps to take in the event of someone choking
- Be aware of the roles and responsibilities of work colleagues
- Know how to support people with dysphagia at mealtimes
- Be aware of the resources available to support your knowledge of IDDSI
Dysphagia and the IDDSI Framework

To be able to provide person-centered palliative care in accordance with The Five Priorities for Care of the Dying to those who are nearing the end of their lives.
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Palliative Care is
- Understand what End of Life Care is
- Be able to recognise the different Phases of End of Life
- Understand the Five Priorities for Care of the Dying
- Know the different types of observations
- Know the different reasons for pain and discomfort
- Be able to recognise and assess pain
- Be aware of the different types of pain management
- Understand the importance of holistic care
End of Life

To be able to provide person-centred and dignified care to those living with Epilepsy.
Learning Outcomes- Know what Epilepsy is
- Recognise triggers
- Be aware of the new Classifications of seizures
- Be aware of the different symptoms for each type of seizure
- Know what to do when someone is having a seizure
- Implement steps to maintain a person's dignity during a seizure
- Recognise when a seizure becomes an emergency
- Be aware of the different treatments and medication available
- Know the importance of information held in an Epilepsy Care Plan
- Know the type of information that needs to be recorded in an Epilepsy Care Plan
- Understand what everyday life is like for those living with Epilepsy
Epilepsy Awareness
To recognise and appreciate the differences of the people we care for and provide care that is fair and gives equal opportunity to everyone
Learning Outcomes- Know the responsibilities of employees and employers
- Know what beliefs, values, and attitudes are
- Understand what is meant by equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination
- Know the legislation in place covering Equality & Diversity
- Know each of the protected characteristics
- Understand the different forms of discrimination, and how they can occur
Equality and Diversity
To understand responsibilities and protocol regarding Fire Safety
Learning Outcomes- Understand what is meant by Fire Safety
- Recognise the common causes of fire
- Be aware of the legislation surrounding Fire Safety
- Understand methods of preventing fires
- Recognise the importance of PAT testing
- Know how to keep electrical items safe to use
- Identify fire risks and hazards
- Know how to undertake a Fire Risk Assessments
- Understand how to create and implement a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
- Recognise the importance of reporting fire risks
- Understand how fire safety equipment operates
- Know how to respond to a fire
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of Fire Marshals
- Know how to implement Full and Zonal Evacuations
- Recognise the importance of Fire Drills
- Recognise the consequences of poor fire safety
- Know your responsibilities and those of your employer
Fire Safety Awareness

To safely provide support in the kitchen during food preparation and food serving
Learning Outcomes- Recognise the symptoms of food-borne illnesses
- Be aware of who is at risk
- Understand which foods are high-risk
- Know the wider impact of food-borne illnesses
- Be aware of the legislation underpinning food safety
- Recognise hazards that can make food unsafe
- Know what anaphylaxis is
- Recognise common allergens
- Be aware of ways to keep food safe from allergen cross contamination
- Be aware of the different types of food pests
- Know how to prevent pests
- Recognise the signs of pests
- Know how to keep food clean and uncontaminated
- Understand how to wash hands effectively
- Know the 'Danger Zone'
- Understand how to store foods safely
- Be aware of the roles and responsibilities
Food Safety
To understand the changes GDPR brings, and how to be compliant with the regulations
Learning Outcomes- Understand what GDPR is
- Recognise its importance
- Know who and what is protected
- Recognise the difference between personal and sensitive data
- Gain an understanding of the key principles enshrined within the regulations
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of a Data Controller
- Be aware of the roles and responsibilities of a Data Processor
- Recognise ways that a care home can be compliant
GDPR and Data Protection
To understand responsibilities and protocol regarding Health and Safety
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Health and Safety means
- Know your responsibilities and those of your employer
- Understand the relevant Health and Safety legislations
- Be aware of tasks that will require special training
- Be aware of common accidents and sudden illnesses
- Know what to do in an emergency
- Understand how to create a Risk Assessment
- Understand methods of working safely with hazardous materials
- Know methods and procedures to prevent fires
- Recognise the symptoms, causes and treatment for work related stress
Health and Safety Awareness
To be able to contain and control infections effectively within Care Home Settings
Learning Outcomes- Understand the different kinds of pathogen
- Be aware of how pathogens spread through the chain of infection
- Know how outbreaks are problematic within a care home environment
- Recognise the symptoms, controls and treatment regarding the common infections within care homes
- Be aware of the legislations in place regarding controlling infections
- Know the roles and responsibilities of employers and care staff
- Understand the protocols in place with an outbreak occurs
- Recognise the procedures that must be undertaken when admitting a new resident
- Know how to undertake a deep clean
- Recognise good hand hygiene habits
- Know the steps to take to effectively wash hands
- Understand the importance and use of PPE
- Be aware of the best practice regarding Barrier Nursing
- Know how to handle contaminated and dangerous materials
- Explore the possible outcomes of poorly controlled infections
Infection Control
To understand how to be compliant with the regulations and know what the Caldicott Principles are and how they work
Learning Outcomes- Know what Information Governance is
- Know who and what is protected
- Recognise the difference between personal and sensitive data
- Understand the Caldicott Principles
- Understand of the roles and responsibilities of all Data Controllers
- Be aware of ways to manage and secure data
- Know when your duty to confidentiality can be overridden
Information Governance and Caldicott

To be able to care for those with Learning Disabilities
Learning Outcomes- Know the definition of Learning Disability
- Understand some of the causes of Learning Disability
- Be aware of medical conditions that cause Learning Disability
- Know techniques for effective communication with those who have Learning Disabilities
- Understand why challenging behaviour may occur
- Be aware of techniques for dealing with such behaviour
- Recognise the impact that caring for those with Learning Difficulties can have on family and carers
- Be able to define capacity
- Know how capacity can be assessed
- Know the different forms of care available
- Understand how to implement a person-centred approach to care
Learning Disabilities

To be able to provide effective care for those Living with Dementia
Learning Outcomes- Recognise the common symptoms of Dementia
- Know some relevant legislation protecting those living with Dementia
- Understand the areas of the brain affected by Dementia
- Understand the common causes of Dementia
- Recognise the different stages of Dementia
- Understand Behaviours of Concern and how to meet a Person’s needs
- Recognise the importance of caring for and supporting those Living with Dementia
Living with Dementia

To know how to manage effectively to promote a caring workplace
Learning Outcomes- Understand the skills required to be an effective manager
- Recognise the importance of resilience
- Know some of the key aspects of a manager’s role
- Know the main responsibilities of managers
- Understand what makes a good leader
- Know the difference between supervisions and appraisals
- Be able to plan supervisions and appraisals
Management and Supervision

To know how to safely carry out manual handling tasks putting safety first for you and others
Learning Outcomes- Know what manual handling is
- Know the relevant legislation around manual handling
- Be aware of both employees and employers’ responsibilities
- Know of the basic anatomy and function of the spine
- Be familiar with common back problems
- Understand ergonomics and fitting the task to the person
- Know the correct manual handling techniques for lifting, pulling and pushing
- Know how to ask somebody to perform a lift
Manual Handling Update
To apply the Mental Capacity Act Principles into the care you provide to those with a mental health condition or living with dementia
Learning Outcomes- Be up to date with current statistics surrounding mental capacity
- Know what the MCA is, why it’s important and who it affects
- Know how to identify someone with a lack of capacity
- Be aware of the key legislation surrounding mental capacity
- Know the boundaries involved when caring for someone with a lack of capacity
- Recognise how to help individuals make informed choices
- How to risk assess a person’s choices
- Recognise what “best interests” are and how to use the checklist provided
- Know the 5 core principles of MCA
- Know how and when to assess capacity
- Be aware of the two-stage functional test for capacity
- Be familiar with the standard authorisation process
- Understand how to restrict and restrain in a person’s best interest
- Know how to write Care Plans for individuals that lack capacity
MCA and DoLS

To understand and recognise the different types of meaningful engagement, and when they can be used.
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Meaningful Engagement is
- Know the Four Types of Meaningful Engagement
- Be aware of the 'Token Initiative' and how to use this during Productive Engagement
- Understand why Meaningful Engagement is important, including Well-being and Having Purpose
- Know how to implement Productive Engagement, Fun and Entertainment, Personal Care and Rest and Downtime
- Understand that Meaningful Engagement should be inclusive and accessible to everyone
- Know the Three Opportunities to Engage
- Understand what Person-centred Engagement is
- Be aware of the questions you could ask a person when using Person-centred Engagement
- Understand the importance of Person-centred Engagement
- Be aware of the clues you should look for in a person when using Person-centred Engagement
- Know how, and where, to evidence Meaningful Engagement
- Understand the positive impact Meaningful Engagement can have on people in the Care Home
Meaningful Engagement

To refresh understanding and skills relating to drug administration and management
Learning Outcomes- How drugs are defined in medical practice
- The importance of competency
- Legislation underpinning Medication Administration
- The common types and forms of medication
- The different routes of administering medication
- Drugs which are controlled by law
- How medication passes through the body
- How to correctly store controlled drugs
- That medication can have side effects
- The ways that drugs can interact with other factors
- That some people can find it difficult to take medication
- Procedures for ordering medication
- Procedures for disposing of medication
- The use of MAR charts
- The processes involved in administering medication
- Ways to support residents in self-administration
- The types of medication that a Carer can administer
- What to do in the event of an error
- Ways to avoid errors
- Your responsibilities and the responsibilities of others in your workplace regarding medication administration
Medication Administration

To refresh awareness of types of medication, how they are controlled and used
Learning Outcomes- How drugs are defined in medical practice
- The importance of competency
- Legislation underpinning medication administration
- The common types and forms of medication
- The different routes of administering medication
- Drugs which are controlled by law
- How medication passes through the body
- How to correctly store controlled drugs
- That medication can have side effects
- The ways that drugs can interact with other factors
- That some people can find it difficult to take medication
- Your responsibilities and the responsibilities of others in your workplace regarding medication administration
Medication Awareness
To gain an understanding of the types of Mental Illnesses that may affect Residents and how best to support them.
Learning Outcomes- Be aware of the history of mental health treatment in the UK
- Recognise the stigma surrounding mental health
- Understand how mental health impacts the care sector
- Recognise the key legislation underpinning the treatment of mental illness
- Be aware of the causes of mental health conditions
- Be aware of the different ways mental illness can manifest
- Know symptoms of some mental health illnesses
- Be aware of the different types of personality disorders
- Recognise the symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia
- Know how psychosis and schizophrenia are treated
- Understand the difference between learning difficulties and learning disabilities
- Recognise the impact of stress on wellbeing and mental health
- Know ways to look after your mental health
- Know the Roles and Responsibilities of staff in care homes
- Know of different resources and organisations available to support those with mental health issues
Mental Health Awareness
By the end of the course you will be able to support residents with their nutrition and hydration
Learning Outcomes- Recognise the importance of good nutrition and hydration
- Know the latest facts and statistics surrounding nutrition & hydration
- Recognise the signs and symptoms of malnutrition
- Be aware of the causes of malnutrition
- Know how to calculate someone's BMI
- Know why you would need someone's MUST score
- Understand the 5 MUST steps to establish the correct Action Plan
- Be familiar with the 5 food groups
- Understand the philosophy behind the Eatwell Guide
- Be familiar with foods that should be avoided
- Recognise signs and symptoms of dehydration
- Be aware of strategies to maintain hydration
- Recognise common conditions that could affect nutrition
- Know your own and your employers responsibilities
Nutrition & Hydration
To be able to provide effective oral care for Residents.
Learning Outcomes- Recognise the impact of poor oral health care
- Be aware of the statistics of oral care in care homes
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of Carers regarding oral health
- Recognise the importance of the mouth and teeth
- Be aware of the anatomy of the mouth and teeth
- Recognise common mouth problems and how they are treated
- Know how to support residents with their oral hygiene
- Know of correct methods for cleaning teeth
- Understand how certain medical conditions can complicate oral hygiene
- Recognise the importance of well-fitting dentures
- Understand how to support residents with their dentures
Oral Health

To be able to meet the specific needs of everyone by providing care centred around the individual
Learning Outcomes- Understand what is meant by Person-Centred Care
- Know what values are
- Know the 6C's of care
- Understand the main Person-Centred Care principles
- Know the difference between Person-Centred Care and Institutional Care
- Recognise factors that may cause distress
- Be aware of the Care Planning process
- Know your responsibilities for providing Person-Centred Care
Person Centred Care

To be able to identify and de-escalate behaviour of concern safely and effectively using positive behaviour support techniques.
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Positive Behaviour Support is.
- Understand what a Behaviour of Concern is.
- Be able to recognise the different types of Behaviour of Concern.
- Be able to identify common triggers.
- Be able to identify causes and underlying factors.
- Understand the difference between common triggers and causes.
- Be able to identify signs of escalation.
- Know how to assess a situation that may lead to a Behaviour of Concern.
- Understand the importance of de-escalating yourself and how this can be done.
- Understand what is meant by Positive de-escalation.
- Know where to find distraction techniques and when it is appropriate to use them.
- Be able to read body language.
- Understand how to use your listening skills.
- Understand the importance and what is required in a handover.
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

To be able to safely put on and remove PPE
Learning Outcomes- Know how to safely put on PPE
- Understand how to safely take off PPE
- Recognise what PPE you should wear in a Care Home
PPE in Care Homes

To be able to safely put on and remove PPE
Learning OutcomesBy the end of this course you will:
- Be aware of safe pracitces for using PPE
- Know how to safely put on PPE
- Understand how to safely take off PPE
PPE in Home Care

To be able to safely put on and remove PPE and support others with their PPE
Learning Outcomes- Know how to safely put on PPE
- Understand how to safely remove PPE
- Know how to support others with their PPE
- Be aware of how to respond if your PPE is damaged
PPE in Hospital
To care for people whilst respecting privacy, promoting choice and maintaining dignity
Learning Outcomes- Understand what Privacy & Dignity mean in a healthcare setting
- Be aware of the importance of person-centred dignity
- Recognise the importance of maintaining dignity for someone living with dementia
- Understand the importance of a resident’s personal space
- Know how to gain trust and confidence by maintaining confidentiality
- Know your responsibilities re safeguarding, and when it is OK to break confidence
- Understand the factors that shape personal choices
- Know how to manage someone's choices under MCA
- Know how to help residents maintain independence and make informed choices
- Know how to risk assess a persons choices
- Understand the importance of residents being active participants in their care
- Know the key principles of self-care
Privacy and Dignity

To be able to care for adults at risk, keeping them safe from harm and abuse
Learning Outcomes- Understand who safeguarding is aimed at
- Know who an adult at risk is
- Know whose responsibility it is to safeguard
- Understand risk factors for abuse
- Understand the relevant legislation
- Be aware of all the different types of abuse
- Recognise signs of abuse
- Recognise a potential abuser
- Understand disclosure and whistleblowing procedures
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
To be able to work with children in either an authoritative or educational capacity, keeping them safe from abuse. To also be able to identify any abuses taking place and to know the appropriate action to take.
Learning Outcomes- Know what safeguarding and child protection is
- Understand who safeguarding is aimed at and who is responsible for it
- Be aware of who abusers are
- Be aware of various legislation surrounding safeguarding and child protection
- Know what risk factors and protective factors are
- Be aware of some of the indicators of child abuse
- Know the different types of abuse
- Understand how to report abuse
- Be aware of how to disclose information regarding child abuse
- Be aware of why people don't always report abuse
- Know about the 'Every Child Matters' policy
Safeguarding Children
To be able to manoeuvre people safely using equipment where appropriate
Learning Outcomes- Be aware of health issues that may necessitate support
- Be aware of the need to follow good infection control procedures
- Understand how to manoeuvre residents with dignity
- Know the importance of promoting independence
- Recognise the need for clear communication
- Know techniques used for assisted walking
- Know techniques for moving a person from sitting to standing
- Recognise the signs that a person might be falling
- Be aware of some ways to deal with a falling person
- Be aware of reasons why a person may need moving in bed
- Know how to move a person in bed
- Know how to apply a slide sheet
- Understand the safety checks to be performed before hoisting
- Know how to use a hoist and sling
- Understand how to manoeuvre people safely using a hoist
- Understand roles and responsibilities
Safer People Handling Update
To understand the differences between positive and negative stress, how to deal with stress in the workplace and to be aware of how stress affects you and those around you.
Learning Outcomes- Know what Stress is
- Be aware what the signs of Stress are
- Understand the differences between work stress and personal stress
- Be aware of what can cause work stress
- Recognise bullying in the workplace
- Know how to look after yourself and manage your own stress
- Understand your roles and responsibilities
- Be aware of the managers roles and responsibilities
Stress at Work

To have an understanding of your role within the Care Sector
Learning Outcomes- Know your main duties and responsibilities and who to report to
- Learn what is expected of you but also what is not included in your role
- Know the safe and agreed ways in which you are expected to work
- Ensure you are providing care and support which meets the needs of the individual
- Learn the main working relationships in Health and Social Care
- Ensure that you are working within the laws and regulations
- Learn what partnership working is
- Know who to ask for advice about partnership working and resolving conflict whenever you face a problem
Understand Your Role

Know how to develop your skills and understanding, through different learning styles and continual learning
Learning Outcomes- Understand what a Personal Development Plan is
- Recognise what happens at Supervisions and Appraisals and the differences between them
- Be aware of Core Skills you may need in your profession
- Know where you can find places to develop your Core Skills
- Know where you can find places to develop your Core Skills
- Recognise the differences between Blended and Structured Learning
- Be aware of how to reflect upon previous experiences and actions
- Understand what the Care Certificate is
- Be aware of CPD and how to develop your skills and understanding
Your Personal Development

Gain an understanding of 14 mandatory care related subjects.
Learning Outcomes By the end of these courses you will understand:- Basic Life Support Theory
- Communication in care
- Coronavirus
- Duty of Care
- Fire Safety
- Food Safety
- GDPR and Data Protection
- Infection Control
- Manual Handling Theory
- MCA & DoLS
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safer People Handling Theory
- Person Centered Care
Mandatory Course Bundle for Care Staff
E-Learning Bundle

Gain an understanding of all mandatory and other care related courses. These subjects will be available for you to run for 12 months as many times as you like.
Learning Outcomes By the end of these courses you will understand these subjects from the Purpletribe Course Bundle:- Basic Life Support Theory
- Communication in care
- Coronavirus
- Duty of Care
- Fire Safety
- Food Safety
- GDPR and Data Protection
- Infection Control
- Manual Handling Theory
- MCA & DoLS
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Person Centred Care
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safer People Handling Theory
- Adult Support & Protection
- Adults with Incapacity
- Anaphylaxis
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Diabetes Advanced Care
- Diabetes Awareness
- Duty of Candour
- Equality & Diversity
- Health & Safety INC. COSHH
- IDDSI and Dysphagia
- Medication Awareness
- Oral Health
- PPE in Care Homes
- PPE in Home Care
- PPE in Hospitals
- Privacy & Dignity
- Safeguarding Children
- Stress at Work
- And many more as and when they are made available….
Purpletribe Course Bundle for Care Staff
E-Learning Bundle